

Once upon a time there was a city called Prague. The city used to be magic – there was an essence of Prague. In times of danger, the essence sneaked into the underground in order not to be found. What is exactly interesting about the underground of Prague? What is happening there? What might be? What does it really mean? What is the story about it? Lets see-

Visual design date Name topic outcome
1 4.10.2016 Typography Ex Libris The theme, what is to be done: brief sketching of the logo, introduction on the logotypes, Typography, InDesign logo-sketch, Ex-Libris
2 11.10.2016 Illustrator finished logo for the stamp producer
3 18.10.2016 Recolor,Photomontage Group Selection Color selections, blend photos, replacePhotomontage 2 to 3 people together, everyone their own output- Selections

space bar
moving of the selections
grow and similar
with shif it adds to selections
refine edge: radius includes small details
magnetic lasooo
capslock background ereaser

Forming the groups for the photo story, starting the story
4 25.10.2016 Flyleaf Custom brushtip, patterns CD Cover/book cover/flyleaf
5 1.11.2016 Excursion Pampoš visit
6 8.11.2016 Main hero Animation and automation 5 second gif
7 15.11.2016 InDesign TEXT In Design:Stroke panel:
D for default color
cap, konec šipky může být kulatý
window: effects: stokexfillxobject
blend modes:
multiply: darker, screen lighter
drop shadow: global light: all shadows have the same angle
noise is dithering – rozbije přesnost stínuIndesign uses paragraph composerParagraph styling (additions in points)
Drop Cap: velké první písmeno
ascenders and descenders
hyphenation – settings
justification – + 1,2%
optical margin alignment
discretionary hyphens – disappear after reformating
tabs – as for ttitles
keep options
paragraph rules—
numbering – select numbers: Type – convert to text
command click clicks through
story board, topic, theme, main theme,
8 22.11.2016 individual work on the stories
9 29.11.2016 InDesign PRINT In Design
Pages, odstavcové styly,
Layout: obrázky se změní když se dotýkají těch margins z obou stran – span –
export to PDF
print box and save as PDF
flattening ”tranparency, drop shadow” etc. before printing on a post script printer
PDF 1xpreflight:-)Packaging: Links and fonts
do it, so that you have all your links and font used in the dicument in one folder – This will not update, su this you should do when ready with the work.printing: on laser colour printers we set RGB composite, that gives better results
advanced: transparecy flattener: high res.
save preset:-) as – so you can use it for your document
template for the story
11 6.12.2016 finishing the stories: individual consultations
11 13.12.2016 InDesign Export to book layout, Prezentation of the stories, comments, 1 day for repairs 15.12. sending to the printers
12 20.12.2016 Ready printed book: sewing workshop.
13 3.1.2016 Exhibition, assignments.